Mottainai Grandma goes to India
There is ongoing project to tackle on environment and health education in India with the picture book 'Mottainai Grandma'
The government of India, which suffers from illegal dumping of garbage and outdoor excretion, launched the 'Clean India' campaign in October 2014.
For the purpose of enlightening children, a project called 'Reforming Children's Awareness' is planned through reading picture books from Japan and a preliminary survey was being conducted.
From November 17 till 22, 2016 'Reading Caravan' was held at four schools in the capital city of Delhi.
The Hindi-translated picture book 'Mottainai Grandma' and 'Mottainai Grandma goes to Magic Land' were read aloud, and a large chorus of "Mottainai" was heard in the schoolyard.
I was told that Mottainai's circle may spread in India.
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